

Saijo Kendo Junior Sports Association

日曜稽古会のお知らせ ➡️ LINK

日時: 3月23日(日)15:30~17:30

場所: 東広島運動公園体育館・武道場

※ ご自由に見学ください。ご希望あれば飛び入りで剣道の基礎を体験いただけます。

 初心者 大歓迎です!



We always bid welcome beginners !  

(Welcome kids who want to begin Kendo from even 5th and 6th grade elementary school pupils. And also junior high school students who want to begin.) 

You can come over to see our practice casually.

➡️ 稽古日時・場所   情報 (some information such as schedule)

➡️ 活動紹介アップデート (Link to the introduction of our activities)

➡️ お問合せ (where to call)


QR code  

(小学生以下)1,000 円/月, 

       1,000 \/Month  for elementary school kids and younger